Ryan M. Williams
The Murders in the Reed Moore Library (EBOOK)
The Murders in the Reed Moore Library (EBOOK)
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When bodies turn up in the Reed Moore Library's book drops...
...the library cat, C. Auguste Dupin, goes to work to help librarian Penny Copper solve the mystery.
As a library cat, Dupin receives the attention and admiration of the public, as one would expect. He allows his human, librarian Penny Copper, to take care of the mundane business of running the library while he reaps the benefits.
Until a body turns up in the large green metal book return in front of the building. Now Dupin must turn his razor intellect to the problem of the murder—or risk further disruption of his routines. A hint here and a clue there should give Penny all the help she needs to solve the murders of the Reed Moore Library.
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Chapter 1
ON TOP OF THE hill, right above the green swath of lawn where C. Auguste Dupin liked to nap in the sun and watch the humans walk past, sprawled the Reed Moore library. Named, of course, after Reed Moore, the founder of the logging company Moore Wood, who built the long-house library for the town. The library sported massive logs that gleamed golden in the sunshine and a green metal roof. Soaking in the sunshine, the library looked like it enjoyed the warmth as much as a cat. Dupin stretched out a leg and took a long lazy lick off the long white fur on the back of his leg. He rubbed his leg across his face, then repeated the process on the other side.
There. Ready to go inside, just as soon as the librarian, Penny Copper caught up and opened the doors.
As she always did on sunny mornings, Penny had stopped at the fountain to read and eat an apple while Dupin lounged nearby. Sometimes she forgot all about opening the library and Dupin had to rub against her legs to remind her.
Today she remembered on her own and Dupin ran on ahead.
"Slow down!" Penny complained, but laughed.
Dupin sat down. It wasn't as if he hurried. She walked towards him up the concrete sidewalk, a typical enough human although more slender than most, with short blond fur on her head. The rest of her was so bare that, like many humans, she wore clothing. In this case a dark blue skirt, white shirt and a blazer that matched the skirt. As humans went, she looked as neat as a cat, which was saying a great deal. Dupin closed his eyes. He stayed that way until his whiskers picked up the breeze of her passing and the faint scent of apple tickled his nose. Then he opened his eyes and followed along behind.
At the library doors Penny pulled out her brass key ring and stopped. "Would you look at that!"
Dupin curled around her legs and leaned against the back of her calves. It was time to get inside where she kept a can of tuna. Anything else could wait.
Instead, Penny actually walked away from him towards the book drop that crouched beside the doors like a big green toad. Books stuck out of the drop's mouth, and a few had fallen to the ground.
Dupin sat down. The end of his tail twitched.
Penny picked up the fallen books and pulled more out of the mouth of the drop. "If the drop is full, why not bring them back when we're open?"
Dupin closed his eyes. He knew the answer, just as he knew all the answers, but if Penny really wanted to know she'd have to figure it out herself.
Except when he closed his eyes Dupin smelled something almost as interesting as tuna. He opened his mouth slightly and breathed in. Yes, nearby. It smelled almost like a freshly killed field mouse but stronger and greasier. Dupin stood up and followed the scent. It was coming from the book drop where Penny was still pulling out books.
Dupin crouched right beside the metal door in the side. Yes, indeed. Right there, just a small pool of blood had oozed out from inside the drop. Dupin opened his mouth wider and breathed in deep. It made his fur stand on end. This wasn't a field mouse, gopher or bird. It smelled like a person. All sweat and chemicals with an under-scent of fire and smoke.
He backed away from the drop and a growl rumbled in his throat.
"Dupin? What's wrong, silly cat?"
Penny bent down to stroke him, tucking the books she had gathered into one arm, but Dupin flattened his ears and didn't look away from the blood. Finally, she looked at the metal door and saw the blood herself. Her hand went to her mouth.
She stood up and hurried towards the doors, the keys jangled on the brass key ring, and her shoes made sharp knocking noises against the flagstones.
Dupin followed right on her heels.
Penny unlocked the door and, as soon as it opened a few inches, Dupin darted inside. He immediately felt safer surrounded by the rich smell of the library. He padded quickly across the lobby to the polished cedar service desk, crouched, and sprang right up on top. He turned in a circle surveying the library as Penny followed him inside.
With the hanging lights out shadows draped the library. To Dupin's left was the children's end of the library with the short shelves and a large open area at the center where Penny told stories. On his right the taller adult shelving, comfortable chairs and, under the wing, the computer lab. At a cursory glance all looked as it should but Dupin still had the scent of the blood in his nose, and it kept his fur up. He needed his tuna, and some water, and a good cleaning before he would feel completely calm.
It didn't look like Penny was getting his tuna. She put the books down on the counter next to a computer and picked up the phone instead.
Dupin padded across the counter, hopped over one computer keyboard, and batted at the coiled black phone cord. Penny shook her head and pulled the cord away from him!
That wasn't right. It was too late to do anything about the man — from the smell it had to be a man — in the book drop. But she could still get Dupin his tuna!
"Police?" Penny pressed a hand to her chest. "This is Ms. Copper, at the library? There's blood in my book drop."
Dupin sat down, tail twitching.
"Right. Blood, on the ground from inside. Like something was bleeding." Penny shook her head. "No, I haven't opened it. I was taking out books that were stuck in the slot and Dupin noticed the blood. Yes, my cat. I came inside and called you."
As if they could do anything about the man either, it was too late! Dupin stared at Penny. Tuna? Remember that?
"Yes, thank you. I won't touch it." Penny put down the phone and looked at Dupin. "What could it be? Do you think someone poured blood into the drop? Why would they do that?"
Dupin meowed and stood up. Time to worry about the tuna, and no, the blood hadn't been poured into the drop. Beneath the blood, he smelled the salty, sour smell of a man and a whiff of decay. Someone put a dead man in the book drop as if he was an overdue book. It was too late to do anything about him. The police could handle getting him out. Dupin turned in a circle and looked back at Penny. Tuna!
Penny reached out and scratched his head with one hand. Dupin forced down the purr. Not scratches! Tuna!
"We should look around," Penny announced. "Make sure nothing else looks out of place."
No, not a good idea. Penny walked away from the counter into the back work area, which took her closer to the tuna. Okay, maybe a good idea. Dupin jumped down to the floor and walked quickly after her. He caught up, walked through her legs and headed towards the door to the staff room.
Dupin walked around the workstations at the center of the work area, past the rows of Coroplast boxes full of books along the back wall, into the staff room. Home away from home. Not much of a room with an old green couch marked with his claws, and a wobbly table and two scratched dark wood chairs. Dupin went to the cupboard where Penny kept the tuna and rubbed against the door. He arched his back and looked back at her.
Penny put her hands on the door frame and leaned into the room. Then she pulled back and walked away, her footsteps muffled by the short carpet.
He couldn't believe it. She left. Without getting the tuna. Dupin stood still in shock. She actually walked away without getting his tuna out. Looking around the library could wait, he couldn't!
Humans! If they didn't have thumbs they'd be no use at all!
Dupin ran after Penny.
He caught up when she flicked on the light in her office. He rubbed against her legs and twitched his tail to catch her attention. Instead she ignored him, looking around the office as if the glass-topped computer desk, or the pictures of Mt. Rainier from her climbs, held some secret. Everything looked as neat as ever, but more importantly, it smelled fine. Dupin circled her legs again.
She sighed and walked away from the office, out of the work area altogether. Dupin was trying to decide what to do about it when Penny screamed! He crouched down and flattened his ears.
Why had she screamed? She was standing just out of the work area, behind the circulation desk. She had her hands pressed to her face now. Dupin rose slightly and opened his mouth. He breathed deep and picked up a faint sticky scent of decay, but mingled with it a floral smell. That wasn't the smell of the man in the book drop.
Dupin padded up beside Penny. There, in the wood book drop beneath the counter, he saw dark red curls, the top of some woman's head. Another dead person in a book drop? What was going on? He smelled salt and looked up to see tears falling from Penny's eyes. She sniffed and wiped her hand on her eyes. She took a deep breath and turned and headed back towards her office, nearly stepping on Dupin. Not that he'd be so slow as to let that happen.
He heard Penny in her office picking up the phone again. More calls to the police. Dupin walked closer to the drop and breathed deep. He didn't smell any blood. The woman didn't die the same way as the man in the outside book drop. Dead people in book drops, that wasn't right. His fur rose up, and he growled deep in his throat. Not right at all. Who hid their kills in a book drop? There had to be better places. Whoever did this put the bodies there for a reason. They wanted the bodies found. Why?
Penny sounded upset, almost yelling into the phone. Dupin walked closer to the drop, but he couldn't see inside. Just the dark red curls sticking up out of the drop. In the office, he heard Penny put down the phone. He went over to the drop and rose up, putting his front paws against the wood. He opened his mouth and breathed in deep.
Death smells, he knew those from killing mice and birds. Stronger from the much larger human. It made him sneeze.
He tried to turn, but he had been so focused that Penny was right behind him. She grabbed him before he could twist away and lifted him up into the air. Human thumbs! He didn't fight. He just went limp. She marched across the work area, turned right and then held him just with one hand. She opened the metal door in the back corner and set him outside on the concrete ramp!
Dupin shook himself and started to turn and dart back inside, but at that moment Penny pulled the door closed. Dupin stared at the gray metal in shock.
She put him out! Without his tuna?!
Dupin reached out one paw and drew his claws along the metal. He waited for a second, then did it again. Nothing. Twice more and no response. Annoyed Dupin sat down in front of the door and used both paws, alternating. Scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch!
Penny didn't come!
Dupin gave out a frustrated yowl and swiped at the door again. She actually put him out without his tuna because of dead bodies? Clearly, she didn't have her priorities in order. Which meant she was going to need his help to put things right. Dupin gave the door a final swipe.
First things, first. How was he going to get back inside?